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  一是,大力增加普通住房供應(yīng),加大住房供應(yīng)結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整力度,堅持落實好“兩個70%” 以及限價房政策,重點發(fā)展中低價位、中小套型普通商品住房,穩(wěn)定房價。



Speech on the Press Conference of the State Council Information Office

August 30, 2007

Qi Ji Vice Minister
Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning.

According to the arrangement of the state press office, I will first brief you the work of drafting Opinions on Solving Housing Difficulty for Urban Low-Income Families.

I. The drafting process, guidelines and principles


The CPC and State Council place high emphasis on the people’s housing problems. Since the reform and opening-up, the urban housing system reform has been carried out, and most residents’ housing conditions has been greatly improved. Still some urban low-income families face housing difficulty. This year’s work report of the government stressed, we should help them solve housing difficulty by adopting more supportive policies such as finance and tax. The State Council appointed Ministry of Construction and other relevant departments to draft the Opinions on the basis of full investigation and study. On August7, the Opinions have been put into effect, which is a significant decision aiming to solving people’s living problems by the State Council. On August 24, the State Council convened National Housing Working Conference, giving guidance on the implementation. On that meeting, Vice Premier Mr. Zeng Peiyan made an important speech.

The Opinions requires that we view the work of solving housing difficulty for urban low-income families as the major component of protecting people’s interests and the housing system reform, and as an important responsibility of the government’s public service. We should speed up to establish the policy system of focusing on the low-rent housing system and solving housing difficulty for urban low-income families by multiple channels.

The Opinions clarifies the following basic principles. The first one is to base on the national conditions and to satisfy the basic needs of residents. The second one is to make integrated plan and to proceed by steps. The third one is government-leading and social participation. The fourth one is to unify the policies and to consider local special conditions. The fifth one is that the provincial government takes the overall responsibility and the city and county government put into execution.

II. The main policy provisions

First, the coverage of low-rent housing security should be expanded. By the end of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, the policy would have covered the low-income families. By the end of 2007, all the cities with districts should guarantee the housing of the low-income families who apply for low-rent housing subsidies and meet the related requirements. By the end of 2008, all the counties should make it as the cities do. Meantime, by the end of 2008, the eastern area and other advanced developed areas should incorporate the low-income families into the low-rent housing system.

Second, the provisions on the low-rent housing system should be perfected. The selection criteria for beneficiary and standards of the security should be rationally identified. The specific standards should be formulated by the city and county government based on a certain percentage of the local average income and housing level. The rental subsidy should be supplemented by the supply of rental housing to form a complete low-rent housing mode. The stock of low-rent housing should be created by multiple channels, such as newly built, purchased, or rebuilt by the government or donated by the society. In those areas in which small rental-apartments are in shortage and housing rents are high, the government should build more housing for rent. The newly built low-rent housing could be scattered in the affordable housing district and common commercial housing district, or be built as a cluster.

Third, the capital for low-rent housing security should be ensured. The local finance should incorporate it into the annual budget. The net income of the Housing Provident Fund should totally be used to low-rent housing construction. No less than 10% of the net income of the land transfer should be expensed to guarantee low-rent housing. The central government will earmark special fund to support the middle and western areas.

Fourth, the affordable housing system needs to be improved and regulated. The beneficiaries of the affordable housing are low-income families. The building area per apartment should be limited to around 60 square meters. The affordable housing can only be on sale 5 years after the purchase. A part of the sale price will be compensated to the government as the land revenue based on a certain percentage of the price gap between the economically affordable housing and the common commodity housing at the sale time. In those areas with unbalanced housing structure and surging housing price, the development scale of economically affordable housing should be expanded. In addition, the fund-raising cooperative housing development should be carried out on the regulations of the affordable housing.

Fifth, the living conditions of the shantytown, old resident districts, and migrated workers’ temporary housing should be gradually improved. The city government should make redevelopment plan for the shantytown based on the local conditions. In the old residential districts, the housing should be repaired and maintained, the associated facilities should be constructed, the environment should be improved and the energy-saving renovation should be launched. To improve the living conditions of the migrated worker, we should practice on the principles of unified planning, employers’ accountability and governments’ policy guidance.

III. Perfect housing security working system

First is to put in place the economic policy and land policy. The housing development for security purpose will be exempted from administrative fees and government fund. The land will be prioritized and ensured in the annual land use plan and supplied by direct transfer. Meanwhile, the administration on the planning and design will be intensified to ensure the projects’ quality and functions.

Second is to perfect the working system. The investigation on the housing conditions of the low-income families should be conducted right away and the files of the low-income families with housing difficulty should be created by the end of this year. The objectives, the development plan and the annual plan need to be worked out, and the capital and land need to be ready. The system of application, review and examination, and publicity for the low-rent housing and affordable housing should be improved, the investigation and examination on the applicants’ family income and housing conditions should be strictly conducted, and the exit system should be in place.

Third is to identify roles and responsibilities. The provincial governments take the overall responsibilities, manage by objectives, strengthen the supervision and guidance, and appraise the performance of the city governments. The city governments need to enhance leadership, improve the working institution, and report to the people’s congress of the same level through the annual government work report. The relevant departments of the State Council will speed up to work out the associated policies concerning the capital, land providing, tax and finance, and intensify the inspection and supervision.

IV. Strengthen the macro-regulation on the real estate market

In recent years, the regulation and control on the real estate market has obtained positive results. However, commercial housing market supply structure is still unreasonable. The gap between the housing demand and supply in some areas is remarkable, and since this year, the housing prices increase in an accelerated trend in some cities, especially the coast big cities in east China. We should make every effort to execute the regulation and control policy on the real estate market made by the State Council. Besides increasing the supply of the low-rent housing and affordable housing, we will focus on the following three aspects:

First is to increase the supply of common commercial housing, and to adjust the housing supply structure. We should stick to the policy of two 70% and price ceiling, put more stress on the development of low-and-middle price housing and medium-and-small-size apartment, and stabilize housing prices.

Second is to influence the housing demand. By adopting the differentiated tax policy and credit policy, we should crack down on the speculative action, restrain the housing purchase on investment purpose, and regulate and control the demand of large-size apartment, which will contribute to a rational housing consumption.

Third is to rigorously stop the illegal actions in the process of housing development and sale. We should strengthen the supervision and administration on all the process, check and punish the illegitimate behavior such as illegal planning, false advertisement and contract fraud, particularly the actions of stocking up lands, bidding up price, dishonest publicity, speculating on housing prices, etc.

Now, I am glad to take your questions on the “Opinions” and National Housing Working Conference.